Saturday, February 2, 2008

Amazing. Intolerance still exists in San Francisco.

Are we the most tolerable city? Socially adaptable? Hate free? Hmmm... I am questioning that now.

I used to be so proud, to be living here, in San Francisco with its many cultures and social diversity.

My wonderful gay friend went out last night, with his friends. On his commute home, he was harrassed. He stuck up for himself, but ended up in a brawl, and on the ground!

Damnit, when will people learn to just live their own lives. Stop judging! Stop harrassing others! Simply live your own life and leave people alone!!

Where is the respect anymore? This act of hatred is shameful and undignified. Especially in this city of progressiveness and "tolerance".



Anonymous said...

Yah, unfortunately for as tolerable this area is, there's still gonna be a few knuckleheads out there. It's just too bad your friend had to fall victim to such ignorance. I bet that dude had never been to SF before and has no clue to what that city is all about.

Contrada Gal said...

Yes, I agree. This guy that harrassed my friend was probably some out of towner, although, there are people within this city that behave so inappropriately. Remember what happened immediately following the 9/11 attacks? This city went chaotic days following. It was shameful! White bread guys were jumping out of there cars and beating up anyone with a turbin on his head. As though these poor innocent people were terrorists in which they were not. In fact, they were not even middle easterners. They were from India. Oh the ignorance that exists. Simply shameful!