Monday, September 29, 2008

Missing Votes! GOP is behind 30 Scams!!

Please buy a copy of this months issue (Oct. 17th, 2008) of Rolling Stone Magazine.

There will be an article in Rolling Stone written by Robert F. Kennedy and Greg Palast regarding the Republican scams going on (30 scams) . These scams will prevent huge numbers of votes from being counted in this coming election based on an act that was presented by both Democrats and Republicans after the last election, but passed by a Republican Congress, Republican Senate, with a Republican President. This act is called "Help America Vote Act" or HAVA.

Now here is the problem. Because of HAVA, there have been 870,000 letters sent to New Jersey residents recently that tell residents that they are ineligible to vote. Why? Because their name went through a government database matching process called "Perfect Match" which means any registered voter who's name does not match any other government affiliation they may have on record, lets say, their drivers licence, or their social security name, their vote will be removed from the voter rolls. Disregarded and will actually be tossed out. For example if your name is Sally M. O'Rielly on your voter registration, and your drivers licence shows Sally O'Rielly (without the middle initial) your vote will be tossed out!! That goes with hie fens also. Something as simple as a hie fen missing from your name, can prevent your vote from being counted! This is a huge scam against Democrats especially when there are 12 million new registered voters this year.

Speaking of new registered voters: Most of these new registered voters are college students who may decide they want to vote absentee. Well, here is another Republican scam. If you mail in your ballot, one needs to also include a color photo copy of their drivers licence. No body knows this. If your color photo ID not included, that vote will be tossed. Of coarse there are NO INSTRUCTIONS explaining this. The main stream media does not report on this. So how is anyone going to know? Well, it is up to all of us to get the word out. Especially to all of the swing states!

New Jersey was lucky enough to receive a letter of warning that their vote will not count and will still have time to correct their name or address. Colorado is not so lucky. No letter was sent to the voters. Their vote will simply be tossed in the garbage and that person will never know.
Please view these two links, and be better informed of the truth.

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