Sunday, January 20, 2008

Commuters with Backpacks

I would like to express the importance of common courtesy while commuting. Are you the commuter who wears a backpack? Laptop? Are you the one taking public transportation, while stepping onto the bus or train without removing your wide load? Well............ will you please take that damn thing off? LOL!

Do you realize that your backpack takes up one more "body space? People are trying to get past you, only to find a very tight area to stand. This is all because you could not remove the pack off your back and drop it down. It's real easy you know? Other commuters would really appreciate that courtesy of you.

It is difficult for us to wedgy past your wide load, and only to find a 2" radius of commuting real estate.

Thank you and have a nice day.

1 comment:

CornFedBoy said...

Most people in the great city of San Francisco lack common manners! I say barrel through and hopefuly they'll catch on sooner or later. Hopefully, sooner rather than later