Thursday, January 17, 2008

People Cover Your Mouth!

Ok, I caught this nasty cold somewhere. Still not sure but lemme tell ya, it is nasty! Now. I consider myself a pretty healthy girl. I take my womens utlra mega vitamin every day. I eat well. I walk a hella lot around this city. My excersize is moderate. So how did I catch this damn flu-bug-chest-cold- discusting flemmy-strain-thingy? It qualifies in the "ewe" factor ok?

Ok. So. Everyone at work seems to have it. The commuters all seem have it, well, at least the ones that choose to sit right next to me! But people, please! Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze! For crying out loud! I was out sick for 3 working days. How inconsiderate of you to hack and cough in a public place. This has cut into my vacation PTO time 3 days less that I am able to visit in Austria this summer. What-everrrrrrrrr!


CornFedBoy said...

I hear ya! Nothing like commuters hacking, coughing and sneezing on top of you as you sit comfortably in your seat AND not covering their damn mouth. You may want to also invest in some Airborn. Take care there missy

CornFedBoy said...

On another note not relating to this post, your blog looks great. Welcome to Blogger world