Sunday, April 20, 2008

Shameful Debate ABC!

I am becoming more and more antagonized by the pettiness and childish animosity that characterize our American primary politics. I began by loving Obama and respecting Mrs Clinton. While I still love Obama, I have become sickened by the spitefulness of the attacks on him. While I naturally hope that Obama will win, I find it sickening that he is being brought down so hard by Bill and Hillary. What a pair they are! Bloodless vampires motivated only by money, power and spite.

Because the Clintons have decided that they can't win, they are determined to make sure that Obama will not win. The ultimate loser is, of course, the United States. Not that the Clintons could give a damn.

But, obviously, the real story of the night was the crazy gauntlet of questioning ABC put Obama through. The first half of the debate felt like a 45-minute negative ad, reprising the most chewed over anti-Obama allegations (bittergate, Jeremiah Wright, patriotism) and even some relatively obscure ones (his vague association with former Weatherman radical Bill Ayers).

Chris Bowers at OpenLeft agreed, "Halfway through the debate, not a single question on any policy issue had been asked, it was obvious that this debate was prime-time hit job on Obama."

The blogs that have followed the debate since it was aired, have reflected emotional uproar about ABC and the hosts that have embarrassed Americans with questions such as George Stephanopoulos's : 'Does Jeremiah Wright love America as much as you?' Seriously. Because if he doesn't, then he cannot be your Secretary of Black that you obviously intend to make him."

If debates are to take place, lets get some credible journalists with questions that interest the American people. The concerns of the Economy, The "War" in Iraq, and Healthcare.

Your thoughts?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yeah, Hillary 2008 back to NY as a State Senator! Yesssssssss!!