Thursday, October 2, 2008

Joe Biden: You Won The Debate!

Watching tonight's debate was like watching Joseph Biden vs a high school candidate Sarah Palin. BINGO! I think I won that game. In the first 2 minutes.

Joe Biden. What a man. What a candidate! He was dignified and humble as well. He was intelligent, strong, polite, respectful, and first class all the way. Joe Biden could see right through Gov. Palin and did not even flinch. He was composed and very compassionate actually. It seems that Joe almost felt sorry for her, but gave her a lot of credit for being there, which was so respectful of him. This man is a leader. He has the experience, the intelligence, and integrity to lead this country along side Obama. He proved his true character tonight, and in front of the not only the United States, but the entire world. He is very clear and concise.

Now, speaking as woman, I am all for equal ground. I respect any women who can stand up in front of a nation and debate with intelligence without degrading others. I did not see this tonight. In this debate, Gov. Sarah Palin was a liar and she degraded both Senator Obama and Senator Biden. The debate seemed so ...... lopsided. Biden spoke truth. Palin lied to the American people as did Senator McCain who lied also in his first debate with Senator Obama.

Although it was quite refreshing to finally see her complete a sentence, it was not so impressive watching her fumble through a question, only to revert back to her own agenda.

Senator Biden spoke truth. On several occasions he said "let me repeat this again". He wanted to make things very clear to the American people so that they truly understood truth vs the lies that have been given by the opposing candidates. I admired him for that. He looked directly into the camera with confidence. I knew this man was honest and forthright.

We have all heard about his foreign policy expertise, but tonight, he proved it. But he proved even more. He Proved his knowledge and experience on all issues. His experience as a Senator for over 30 years, showed he is ready. He is ripe. He understands the average American. The working class. He stands for justice and fairness. He comes from good family values. This is the example we need in America.

She on the other hand was, ummm, very ......... cutsie. Darn right tootin she was. But, is that what we want? Is that how far we have come as Americans? Are we now a beer guzzlin, six-pack, cutsie kinda, moose-wolf-killin kinda society? When she could not answer a question, she focused back on her agenda. I have to admit, she was darn well cute explain'in things wasn't she? (wink). Well, I do not recall her giving a clear and concise answer to ANY of the questions. I found her to be well rehearsed, nervous, and with a fake conviction. She was annoying to be honest. I had to turn the volume down when she spoke.

Why did she refer to Ronald Reagan three times? McCain and Palin are making desperate efforts to dis-associate themselves from the Bush Administration. Thats why. McCain supported Bush legislation 90% of the time! And look where we are now? Thank you McCain.

This election should be a no-brainer.

McCain/Palin lie and they cheat. They will say anything to get elected. Well, you can fool some of the people some of the time. You can fool all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time. It is time for change. It is time for truth. It is time for the Obama-Biden ticket to lead this great country into leadership again. We need to believe in this country again. Let us elect the right candidates and gain back the respect we remember. Not only on a domestic level but globally as well.

So, thank you Joe Biden, for speaking the truth and representing America. Thank you for showing the class and grace tonight. Thank you for showing the good character it takes to lead this country with Barrack Obama. A country that has been charred by the Bush Administration for 8 years, and for showing your courage and knowledge on all issues. Thank you for speaking up against the Gov. of Alaska when you needed to, without insulting or belittling her. We love you!

Cheers to the moderator, Gwen Ifle of PBS. You did an excellent job tonight and your questions were fair and well thought out. They were concerns of all of us. Bless you.


Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin, I think I'm in love. I just know that when she winked it was meant specially for me. I'm a maverick too. And all the blinking, Morse Code! She was telling all our terrorist enemies she was gonna skin em like a moose. You Betcha!

Anonymous said...

This is from an Austrailian's point of view ....

I listened to the debate via the net from my hometown of Adelaide, Australia. Palin has obviously been well rehearsed in the past three days but she kept reverting to those rehearsed answers instead of giving a straight answer to the questions at hand. I found her to be rather two dimensional and not at all equipped for the position for which she is applying... I'd not hire her. Unfortunately, your political landscape effects much of the world, yet since there's no global democracy, the rest of us do not get a say. With this in mind I find it frustrating to know that so many Americans do not even bother to vote. I hope you all make sure that everyone you know gets out use the voting privilege they have. Make sure you put an end to the short-sightedness of the current Republican mindset and vote them out. Don't give them any more opportunity to do any more damage.

bmettzyee said...

You said it all. Biden was very eloquent. I think that he is a huge asset to Obama's campaign.
Palin was rehearsed. That was obvious.
We are not a nation of Hockey Moms and beer swilling Dads.

Anonymous said...

I am from Delaware and personally know Joe Biden as our current Senator for 36 years. He is a very honorable person and great family man. Sarah Palin is just a pretty face being used to attract the uneducated white male voter. A marketing tool for the Republican Party. Joe Biden destroyed her in this debate just like he will on November 4th. Vote Obama-Biden

Anonymous said...

Good day Liz,

Biden was gentlemanly, professional, & informative.

She was shrill, as unpleasant as her running mate at his debate, &

He promoted and advanced his ticket.

She saved her ass on her ticket.

She's not out of the woods yet & I hardly expect any change from
already seen of her as the campaign continues.

I certainly do not feel that from this performance she has improved in any way as a candidate or potential VP or, heaven help us, president.

Now that interest in her has run its course I look to see more of Biden on the campaign trail.

Cool blog. I'll peruse it more outside of work.

See you on the 37!
